What does the campus of the future look like?

We’re seeking answers to this ambitious question.

About the Smart Campus Initiative

What does the smart, digitally-connected campus of the future look like?

The Smart Campus Initiative at BCIT is seeking answers to this ambitious question. A team of experts across technology and education has come together to review the latest digital innovations and determine how these can be applied to create a ‘smart campus’ at BCIT.

This project is supported by the BCIT Centre for Digital Transformation and is currently in the initial ‘strategy development’ phase. During this phase, the project team will define a vision for a smart campus, determine the data privacy requirements and create the strategy for achieving this ambitious transformation.


Defining the vision: The first step in our journey

Our work towards a smart campus has only just begun. We are currently seeking ideas to determine the possibilities for what the smart campus at BCIT could be.

This is the very first step in our smart campus journey, but it is an important one that will help us determine the ultimate vision for our smart campus.


Why are we doing this?

We are working towards a future where modern, digital technology supports everything we do. Our goal is to create a smart campus that is dynamic, adaptive and continuously unlocking the potential of technology for future-proof applied education. We’ve outlined some of the key benefits the Smart Campus Initiative could deliver to BCIT.

Supporting Student Learning and Experiences

Today’s students expect modern digital services and learning experiences that meet the needs of their future careers. A smart campus will enhance the student experience while providing rich digital learning opportunities.

Improving Campus Operations and service delivery

Smart campus initiatives have the potential to reduce costs, improve service delivery and even generate revenue. For example, smart building systems can help reduce energy bills. New services, such as digitally-enabled room rental, can create new revenue streams.

Enhancing BCIT’s Reputation as technology leaders

As an institute of technology, BCIT values innovation and aims to be a leader in the field of digital transformation. Our work towards a world-class, digitally-connected smart campus will solidify this position.

IMproving environmental performance and sustainability

Smart campus initiatives have the ability to optimize the way a campus’ operates. As an example, building monitoring systems can suspend lighting and HVAC during quiet periods. These efficiencies don’t just make campus life smarter; they can also reduce energy consumption and improve our environmental impact.


Supporting BCIT’s strategic objectives

BCIT is working to address new and shifting requirements of students, employees and industry, and digital transformation was noted as a key opportunity for BCIT in the 2020 BCIT Strategic Plan. Not only can smart campus activities be a driving force towards digital transformation, they can also support the following objectives:



Using technology and data to advance our environmental practices.


People-focused education

With new technology and a modern environment to attract and retain skilled staff.


future-proof education

Cultivating exceptional learning environments through technology.

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Globally Relevant Connections

Creating attractive new opportunities for collaboration with industry partners.


The experts behind the Smart Campus Initiative

The Centre for digital transformation

The BCIT Centre for Digital Transformation (C4DT) provides BCIT with leadership, best practices, research, support, and training in cybersecurity, data analytics, Internet of Things, and privacy.

The C4DT considers smart campus initiatives to be a key driver towards digital transformation and has engaged a team of experts to help define the smart campus vision.

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FuseForward accelerates digital transformation for critical industries with expertise across cloud, intelligent systems, advanced analytics, cybersecurity and much more. Headquartered in Vancouver, they are currently involved in the development of a large-scale digital twin and smart campus at Ryerson University.

A team of smart campus experts from FuseForward has been engaged to help define the vision for a smart campus at BCIT, as well as the strategies required to make it happen.

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