
Frequently Asked Questions

This page provides answers to the most common questions about the smart campus.


How are we going to ensure the privacy and security of data?

Privacy and security will be built into the systems from day one. Our partners have extensive experience in the design of secure systems and have met stringent privacy and security requirements for a range of Canadian government agencies, including the Department of Defence and the Provincial Health Authorities.

The Smart Campus Initiative at BCIT is working to develop a smart campus that is recognized as a leader when it comes to data privacy and security. 

When will this project be completed?

We are currently in the ‘strategy development’ phase, which is the first step on our smart campus journey. During this phase, the project team will define the vision for a smart campus and our plan for achieving it. We anticipate this phase to be complete before the end of the year.

 The smart campus initiative is intended to be an ongoing journey, rather than a one-off project with a start and end date. However, we do anticipate some initial pilot projects to commence within the next twelve months.

How are we funding these activities?

We are working with our partners to develop the business case for our smart campus initiatives, which will include an investigation of funding opportunities from industry and the government. We are also looking at the potential to generate new revenue through smart campus activities.

Smart campus initiatives will require ongoing funding, how will this be managed?

We recognize the importance of ensuring smart campus initiatives remain viable. We are developing a financial sustainment program that takes into account government funding programs and commercialization opportunities. We are also investigating the reusability of data sets and digital assets to support educational programs and industry engagement.